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Friday 4 May 2007


Algeria-British Business Connect. Stc
The Future is what you make it-The People Business for Business People
Rig- Company 543672/2005- London.UK

Dear Dr Bettayeb Abdelatif

There’s less than 15 days to go before the polls open for Thursday’s elections. I want to thank all of you who have done so much for the MSP in this campaign.
It’s been an important moment in our country’s history. Over these past few weeks you have really shown, across the length and breadth of Algeria, that the MSP is the only real party with true national appeal. In the great cities of Algeria.

Your party is the only real opposition to labour in what was once its heartland.
Today’s headlines show the uncertain times in which we live. With threats at home and abroad, the elections on Thursday remind us what a precious gift we have in our new democracy. It offers a chance for the people’s verdict on the Parliament.
Thursday’s elections will provide an extensive platform on which can build. Our support to your candidate is principal to give it a new motto of relationship between the country and it’s citizens in abroad.

We will give our best to put you in the first line to defend our interest and be loyal to the confidence that was given to you.
I believe we have tapped into that mood. I am proud of your Party and the campaign you have run. I have visited towns and cities across Europe during many seminars and private work. Everywhere I have found your candidates running high quality, high-energy campaigns. Voters are receptive to your message and ready accept your focus on principled programmes. It’s no coincidence that your campaigning in the UK- ZONE 53 has shown in recent opinion polls, with a consistent pattern of improving support for the MSP.

I urge my Algerian workers and colleague to join you on the campaign trail over the next couple of days and to do whatever we can to support you.

Good luck to and best wishes
Mr. Z. serrai


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aslaoui said...

L'union des Refugies Algeriens Europe direction politique( Berlin) , vous saouhaite un bon succes en comptant sur nos moyens de vous supporter en, autriche, en Hollande et en Allemagne.vous avez une mission noble a transmettre a Alger sur la situation des non regularise a ce jour par nos differents consulats.un grand nombre de condidats s'est contente d'avoir notre appui ,nous vous avons choisi suite aux directive de nos collegues et amis,et nos membres ayant droit aux vote voterons pour vous. qu'ils sachent a Alger que nous nous sommes pas consideres comme exclus de la vie politique du pays, ceci nous concerne tous et nous sommes tous pour le retablissement de la paix et le retour en algerie, si les problemes JURIDIQUES seront ecarte du chemin. votre programmes n'a pas tranche dans l'affaire des refugies mais nous sommes certains que vous aller le faire a partir de l'Europe sachant que c'est un devoir et une obligation morale ,
nous vous presenterons a (Berliner Offener Kanal )Berlin, nous vous saluons de Berlin
Jamel Aslaoui Secretaire General de l'Union.

Abdellatif.Bettayeb said...

Si Jamal
Merci et baraka Allahou feekoum..
on a pas reussi cette fois mai on va continuer notre devoir vis a vis a nos freres et soeurs algerians en Europe.
on est ici pour bien servir notre communite avec tous les moyens quand peut fiare.
et Thank you so much for your support during the election camapgn.

et je serai tres content si je peux servir...
mon blog reste le meme et mes contacts les meme..

Vous savez que j aetais interprete depuis 8 ans et j ai visite des prisonniers algeriens et j ai essaye d aider et regulariser beaucoup des cas par choisir les meilleurs avocats ici.
et on peut faire de plus incha Allah..avec vout et tous qui travaille pour l interet de notre communite en Europe.
Ton frere abdellatif